Quality or Environmental Management System Coordinator

The Benefits of engaging our Services.

Why engage an outsourced Quality or Environmental Management System Coordinator, or Manager? There are a number of benefits to consider.

Cost Effective

Firstly, it’s cost-effective. A full-time Quality Manager can be expensive for a small or medium-sized organization. In fact, the better they are, the more costly they can become. A good Quality Manager should be able to create an effective system and delegate key responsibilities throughout the organization, leaving little for themselves to do. Ideally, they should be making themselves redundant. Quality Management should be Total Management, not the responsibility of one person.

Flexible with hours – one day a week, month or quarterly

Secondly, externally provided Quality Professionals can be engaged for the hours that suit the business. For example, a day a week, month, or even quarterly.

Independent evaluation

Thirdly, an externally provided Quality Professional is independent from any of the processes or departments in an organization and is unlikely to be drawn into company politics.

Valuable sector knowledge

Lastly, externally provided Quality Professionals usually have a wide range of sector knowledge and experience to share.

If Quality Management is something of an issue for your business, consider outsourcing to a professional. Contact us for more information.

Sussex Companies achieve ISO standards

Many congratulations to these Sussex Companies for recently achieving ISO standards!

Ultimate Sports Engineering Ltd is awarded ISO 13485: Medical Devices Standard

“Working with Ian over the past few weeks has been great. He fitted in straight away as part of the USE team and assisted us, with his immense wealth of knowledge, to achieve ISO 13485 certification. We could have not done this without Ian’s guidance, hard work, dedication, professionalism and calm manner. We are so very grateful. I would highly recommend Ian and we are looking forward to further opportunities so that we can work with him again. It has been a real pleasure.

Lisa Rumbold, Ultimate Sports Engineering Ltd

This opportunity came about In August 2023 when Quality Management Projects Ltd was asked by (USE) Ultimate Sports Engineering Ltd to help them prepare for ISO 13485:2016 Medical Devices Regulatory Standard (UKAS) accredited Certification Body who in this case was International Associates.

Prior to our involvement USE had engaged an independent assessor to conduct a system gap analysis, his report raised five potential non-conformances to be addressed. This is where Quality Management Projects became involved. One of the findings was an incomplete internal audit.

After the audits and rechecking the documented management system. The company was as ready as it could be for the 2.5 planned days certification audit.

It helped that the Lead Auditor was very thorough, knowledgeable, and a friendly communicator.

USE was recommended for certification with only a few, easy-to-fix minor non-conformance issues. The relief on my clients’ faces was evident. However, I think it probably took until the next day for the full extent of their achievements to sink in. The credit for their success belongs to them.

West Sussex Office Furniture achieves ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 re-certification 

“A massive thanks for all your help and support Ian, your knowledge and skillset has certainly been a huge contributing factor to this success, which we would never have achieved without you.”

Ian Hamlett – Managing Director at (WSOF) West Sussex Office Furniture Ltd.

I have been working with WSOF since 2010 when they had fourteen staff. They have now grown to forty members.

Many congratulations to West Sussex Office Furniture Ltd for successfully passing their recent recertification audit against ISO 9001 and ISO 14001. WSOF, also known as West Sussex Office Furniture, has been designing and manufacturing top-quality office and educational furniture for over 15 years, occasionally overseeing installations at end-user sites.

The company achieved a clean sheet, and the real focus had been on improvement. WSOF have made significant progress in recent years due to the implementation of statistical measuring, monitoring, analysis, and evaluation tools by new operations and production managers.

WSOF had set reasonable targets and measuring progress, has been able to achieve their goals and prove that the effort to improve is well worth it.

Thank you to the Lead Auditor for Alcumus/ISOQAR UKAS accredited certification body.

ISO 9001 re-certification for Vulcan Cladding Systems of Croydon

Congratulations to Vulcan Cladding Systems Ltd. for achieving ISO 9001 recertification audit this week! Based in Croydon, Surrey, the company supplies building cladding materials and systems to the commercial and residential construction and property sectors. With a focus on providing quality, safe, and effective products and services, Vulcan Cladding Systems is a small business with a solid and growing reputation. In addition to their ISO 9001 certification, the company was successful in obtaining ISO 14001 environmental management system certification earlier this year. Here’s to their continued growth and success!

If you would like support in gaining ISO accreditation or re-certification, please get in touch.

Environmental Management Consultancy of the Year 2022

Innovation & Excellence Awards – Corporate Livewire

The Innovation & Excellence Awards have been going for seven years and we were delighted to have won Environmental Management Consultancy of the Year 2022.

The Awards celebrate the innovation and excellence of recognised individuals, teams and organisations across the country that are proven to be the best in their market over the past 12 months.

Having been nominated, we had to supply evidence of our work, feedback from clients and previous accreditations.

This is the second award in six months for QM Projects, the first was The Best Environmental Management Systems Consultancy 2021, awarded by SME News and Southern Enterprise Awards.


We are very proud to have helped our clients achieve the ISO 22000:2018 Food Safety certification which is a first for ourselves and Si Protech (UK) Ltd.

We have worked with Si Protech consistently over the years with the implementation of ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015. We regularly assist the company with maintaining their systems and completing internal audits. This recent achievement in Food Standards Safety was a completely new standard for us, and our clients.

Si Protech (UK) Ltd have achieved a management system which now meets stringent food safety requirements and developed an excellent partnership to achieve the ISO 22000:2018 Food Safety Management Standards and ISO 22002-4:2013 (amended 2019) Food Safety Technical Standard.

The rigorous processes and assessments required involved an intense learning curve.  The implementation (plan, do, check, act) process and a gap analysis was provided by an expert from BSI. We then experienced a delay between the Stage 1 and Stage 2 assessments due to various reasons including Covid-19. However, we used this time productively to go through the findings from the gap analysis to make improvements.

The result after the Stage 2, was that Si Protech (UK) Ltd. was recommended for ISO 22000:2018 Certification, provided by BSI, and who are accredited by UKAS.

Thanks must go the Directors and Management Team at Si Protech (UK) Ltd for their dedication towards achieving this award, and to the Lead Auditor and Technical Team from BSI.